Life is a BEACH!

I don't know if you have seen my Instagram profile (which by the way you totally should @iputthecuteunicornsonmyback ) but if you have you know I am obsessed with summer and going to the beach, the sun, bikinis etc etc. I absolutely L O V E summer and as soon as I start going to the beach on a daily basis I get the ultimate summer vibes! When the weather gets better and warmer by mood is so freaking good and I think that is one of the reasons why I love summer so much. It almost feels like there is no space for negative thoughts. Most people think that summer is about spending tons of money on new clothes, bikinis and other swimwear  products, vacations and things that don't really matter. I mean, yes, going on vacation and generally doing all of the above would be great but if you can't do them that is absolutely fine. For example, I live in Greece and if you watch/read the news a bit you probably know that our economic state right now is...pretty damn bad. Every person I know, including my family has financial problems. But there are always two ways to see things: you will either stay home all day, complain and be miserable about the fact that you don't have money to do fancy stuff -that most people do just to show off and not because it brings them genuine joy- or you could go out and live with what you got, just like I do. I used to go to beach bars and generally beaches that you have to pay to enter either with family or friends and as soon as my dad got a few job offers in Greek islands (tourism and stuff) and he had no car and we decided to go to a beach that is literally 20 minutes on foot from my house and it is absolutely free. No beach bars, no loud music. Just peace and quiet and good vibes. What I want you to get out of this post is that you don't need to have tons of money to have fun during summer. Go out there and live life and I can promise you, you will have an amazing time. As for my bikini for today, it was a gift, the top from my aunt and the bottom from my godmother and they are from Med. I love the bright, bold red color of the top and the cute detail it has in the chest area. The bottom is very chic and comfortable which is key for a good bikini.

What are your plans for this summer? Let me know in the comments below!

Check out more pictures like these on my Instagram


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